image: ©2015 Midtown Girl
- TRAVEL: Fitness in the City. Head to Athleta in Flatiron for a free (yes free!) Physique 57 class, Sunday at 10am.
- FOOD: Apt Brunchies. Try sprouted bread for your weekend avocado toast.
- HOME: Chic Home Office. Get 5 decor tips on how to create a corner home office.
For more fabulush things to do in NYC, check out these MG columns:
- New York Apartment: Get tons of ideas for city-girl living.
- MG Pinterest: Style & decor ideas for a glam city-girl lifestyle.
- Brunch In NYC: Head to one of these chic brunch spots with your besties.
Dahlings, want to see what I’m doing this weekend? Check out MG’s Instagram!