Giveaway ;-)
Fabulous Megs at Newbie New Yorker has a giveaway for a Flip & Tumble reusable grocery tote! Check out her blog for more info on it 😉
Fabulous Megs at Newbie New Yorker has a giveaway for a Flip & Tumble reusable grocery tote! Check out her blog for more info on it 😉
Sheesh. So this is the deal. After that last night with CB, I decided I didn’t want to see him again, remember? Following that eve, CB had either texted or called me every day that week. The calls I ignored, […]
Yay for Valentine’s Day…okay so it was a few days ago, but I still have the flowers VG gave to me so I figured, why not post my V-Day outfit since I had a really sweet time that eve 😉 […]
Interesting. A week before that last night out with CB, my protective female psyche had kicked in when CB had asked me what I would be doing on Valentine’s Day. I told him I had made plans ahead of time […]
Ugh. I’ve come to the conclusion that it just must be me that is attracting the wrong type of guys…why else would I be going through nonsense like this? After getting my hair done (love it P!) I met up […]
I was getting ready to hit the sheets after spending much of the day w. mom, when I heard some mumbling coming from her room. I stand by her door that’s slighty ajar and hear her saying something in a […]
It’s crazy cold outside and I’m getting cabin fever. Even though I love skirt outfits w. boots on dates, I’ve so been dying to wear a dress! I just don’t have the guts to rock stilettos & hose on NYC’s […]