I’ve been using an online dating site for a few weeks now & so disappointed with it! I consider myself an attractive, intelligent woman with a great career and social life, so I’m really surprised (and frustrated) that my inbox is not full of appropriate matches. I get emails from guys who are sometimes 10 years older than me (I’m 30) and from guys who are not physically my type (nothing against short guys, but I’m 5’8, so a guy shorter than 5’10 would not really be a fit for me). I have 2 photos and what I thought was interesting background info in my profile, so what am I doing wrong? Do you have any tips because I’m ready to give up on the whole online dating thing?
First, don’t give up on online dating!!! Second, if you’ve only been on a dating site for a few weeks, you’re not giving the process a real chance. Fact is, online dating is not much different than real life dating, except that it can take a longer time to actually meet an online match offline. First impressions are EVERYTHING x 100 when it comes to online dating, so it’s important for you to put your best virtual foot forward & show these guys why they should get in touch with you.
Here are 2 important tips for a good online dating profile:
1. Your photos are what WILL get the guy’s attention (obvs). Make sure to have 4-5 great pics on there. What makes for a great pic?
- A gorgeous face shot. I suggest one that is taken no higher that your chest area. Natural headshot-like photos will show every blemish, wrinkle & scar, so pick a photo that is a bit further away and taken on a downward angle.
- Pick a flattering full-body shot. A full body shot with you wearing a pretty dress, flattering jeans or a cute outfit will totes get a guys attention. Scantily clad/bikini shots, a super conservative outfit, or pics with you standing behind something (shows you are not confident about your figure) will have a potential guy click past your profile.
- Choose photos that feature YOU. So many profiles include pics of friends, family & even ex’s that are cut out. A guy wants to get to know you first, so it’s best to show pics that feature you & you only. *Cute pet pics are an exception, of course.
2. Guys rarely read your online profile in its entirety. Since they usually skim through the first few lines, make them count!
- Start with what you love about your life. Dating is tough and sometimes we forget the things that make us happy in life. Whether it’s your career, friends or family, share what makes you happy.
- Leave the sarcasm for your besties. While witty is cute, sarcasm comes off as bitchy (seriously). Keep your commentary on a fun, lighthearted note.
- Keep your profile positive. Even if there are things in your life that are not going so great, save your complaints & issues for girlfriend talks. No one new wants to know what annoys you.
Dahlings, feel free to email me your Ask MG questions or leave them in the comments below. <3
photo credit: weheartit.com/entry/15619177/via/TheLoliCure