Last week, we had the opp to attend a lovely luncheon at Meet at the Apartment to view the new HTC Droid Incredible smartphone. Not only were we given the chance to test out the new Incredible smartphone, we were also given fabulous Minx manicures! Love. It.

Sooo…why does MG heart this new HTC??? Let me share with you dahlings why –

  • Stunning Street Style Snaps: Last week during a Girl’s Night Out viewing of SATC2, I whipped out my HTC Incredible to take a pic of beautiful Wendy Brandes wearing a fabulous Leopard DVF dress & her Cleopatra earrings (also featured in the movie). The Incredible’s 8-mega pixel resolution and built-in editing was just that…incredible!

  • Share with Your Girls Stat: Right after taking this pic, the Incredible’s 1GHz Snapdragon™ processor took only SECONDS to upload & send it to all my tweeples on Twitter using the “Peep” app – a must when keeping your friends in the loop, all the time!

Excited about my new HTC apps! 🙂

  • Bestie Central: Need advice on what to wear for the first date? Share pics, get instant updates on what your girl’s are wearing or just inside info on what their plans are that eve by tapping into HTC’s Friend Stream App. It keeps your Facebook and Twitter™ streams synced without having to log into both – easy access to your besties!

Gorgeous bloggy buds at the event!

  • Mobile Dating Maven: Being a bustling Midtown Girl, I love to try out new places for spontaneous cocktail dates. Using the Android™ OS with HTC Sense™, I have the city at my fingertips – the perfect place to find a new restaurant app, boutique app (for date night outfits), or even an app for new potential dates (yay x 100!!). The options are ah-may-zing..and so is this new HTC smartphone. <3

Arti from HTC giving me dating advice while getting a fabulush Minx manny!

Had such a fun time & how fabulous is this phone?!?!?
