Dear Midtown Girl,

I had a first date this weekend that I thought had gone really well. Our date started with cocktails & tapas in Tribeca and ended with a walk around Madison Park. I had such a good time that after he dropped me off at my apartment, I waited a few minutes and texted him “Had such a nice time tonight. Get home safe.” He responded almost 30 minutes later with “Me too. Thanks”. I saw him Sunday afternoon and haven’t heard from him since (I know it’s only been 1 day but still..). What’s the deal with his text? Should I have not texted him first??

I always texted a guy after a GREAT first date. Emphasis on “great”. Texting a guy that you had a nice time and was glad to have met him is absolutely a good thing. Guys want to know if you felt a connection with them. However, a guy who takes freakin 30 minutes to respond back (RUDE) and with a vapid response like his “me too”, probably means that he didn’t feel a spark. Your date may have been great during the date, but it doesn’t look like he wants a 2nd. On to the next one doll!

When a guy is genuinely interested in you, he will make sure you know.

P.S. – Here’s a text convo from one of my past  first dates:

MG: “It was great meeting you tonight. I had a really good time.”

Guy: “Oh. Ok. Thanks.”

Well for hell’s sake….

Dahlings, feel free to email me your Ask MG questions or leave them in the comments below. <3


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