Dear Midtown Girl,

The guy I’ve been dating for the past few weeks recently told me he loved me. I told him I loved him too and that he is the guy I want to be with forever, but he told me he’s not ready for a relationship. We spend almost everyday together and for thanksgiving he even came to my house for dinner. He is everything I want in a guy so I don’t get it. What can I do or say to make him want to be in a relationship?

Sounds like your guy wants his cake & to eat it too. In general, when a guy truly loves YOU, he wants to be with you in every way. He would want to be in a relationship, to share a future with you and to have you as his partner. Since I don’t know how old either of you are, from his verbiage, I will assume that both of you are in your 20’s.

I say this because many guys in their 20’s are still unsure of what they want in someone, or in his case, if they want to be in a relationship. I know you love him, but you have to love yourself MORE. You should tell him how you feel & what you are looking for in someone. If he comes back with the response “I love you, but can’t give you what you want right now…” listen to him. He can’t give you what you want, so it’s time to find someone who will. 

And trust me, you WILL.

Dahlings, feel free to email me your Ask MG questions or leave them in the comments below. <3


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