the very FIRST guy you’ve ever met on an online dating site 4 years ago, finds you back on the same site & emails you…
He was the 1st guy I dated after my EX-EX & I broke up. Our date-ship lasted for 6 weeks until he lost his job as a trader and “had to figure things out”. I remember him asking me questions like “would you have a big wedding or a small wedding?” (completely effing with my freshly traumatized emotions) and “do you cook? bc it drives me nuts if a girl pulls out a stack of menus and orders dinner out” (welcome to the big city, dollface).
I wonder if he still lives in his mom’s basement…(later revealed to me by one of his “buds”).
Granted I haven’t been online dating for 4 years straight, but this is kinda RIDIC.
Could this be a sign from the dating gods that I’ve overstayed my online dating welcome…?
No! It just means he’s a “JERK!!!”
THAT guy has been online too long! Hopefully he has a life purpose and his own place now!
Sounds like the guy is trying out everything on the online dating menu.