Twitpic from Duane Reade – “from Midtown to Flushing”.  Get it??

Hi, my dahlings! I have missed you x 100 and I am sooo excited to be part of your bloggy lives again 😉

So, sometime ago, after chatting back & forth via email with a new fellow, we decided to take the next step and talk over the phone.


Let’s call said gent TMI. TMI is an international business consultant in his early-thirties, an IVY grad & a member of all sorts of fraternal like leagues. And – very attractive. Like scholar-hottie attractive.

TMI & I had lots of things in common – both foodies, went to same undergrad, similar music tastes, b-lah, b-lah. And according to our online dating profiles, our “personality traits” worked seamlessly (oh, the magic of compatibility analysis!).

Thus, I was uber excited to learn more about TMI. He called me one eve, while I was just coming in from a city downpour. I spoke to him for a few moments and asked if I could call him back bc I was drenched and wanted to change.

“Of course.” says TMI.

I change into something warm (and cashmere), feed Midtown Pups and then ring up TMI. TMI picks up and we begin to chat. After sometime, convo shifts to his recent travels…

HE: “I just came back from London, from a 3 month long work trip.”

ME: “Oh, nice. Was it your first time there?”

HE: “No, I actually go there quite often. I am a fan of English culture & etiquette.”

ME: “Understandably so… I would love to make a trip there sometime in the near future.”

Convo sounds kinda dry, right? Right.

But, TMI seemed to have some sort of Hugh Grant essence permeating thru his voice, which was kept our convo lasting longer than it probably should have…

TMI pauses our convo mid-subject and asks to give him a min.

“Sure!”, I respond.

A few moments later, TMI resumes our convo and asks –

HE: “I would really love to meet. Are you free Friday for dinner?”

ME: “Yes, that sounds lovely. Let’s get in touch later this week with details?”

HE: “Excellent. I will speak to you tomorrow.”

Then, juuust as he is about to hang up, I hear…


OMG. Seriously?


p.s. – Sorry, but the visual forced me to cancel the date. XOXO