Sorry for my absence. I am finishing grad school and currently looking for a full-time job. Anyone in the job hunt knows that looking for a job is a full-time job itself. But I’m back this week to point out some similarities I’ve noticed between finding a job and dating:
- You do your research. When applying to a job, you should obviously research the company. Many millennials are in the habit of doing a little research on their dates. I think it’s perfectly acceptable to quickly (keyword being quickly here folks) looking over his social media profiles. Just don’t fall into stalker territory (i.e. friending his friends so you can see more of his profile).
- May want to talk on the phone first. A lot of companies like to conduct a quick phone interview before meeting a candidate in person to just make sure that they’re the right fit. I like to do this with any guy I’m meeting offline. I like to talk on the phone before meeting in person (call me old fashion) to make sure they’re not crazy.
- Be a good communicator. You can lose the job before the interview simply by the way you communicate with the other person (i.e. spelling errors). Be professional in all your communication. When a guy messages me I automatically look for grammar/spelling mistakes lol. It just says something to me if he writes “u” instead of “you” like he’s too busy to write two more letters. It’s a complete turn off.
- Put your best foot forward. A job interview in many ways is like a first date. You want to look your best. You want to come off as interested but not desperate. You have to remember to show your personality while not giving polarizing answers (i.e. avoid politics or religion). It’s highly stressful but if it goes well it could be the start of something great.
- If it goes well… waiting around for that call (or email). After a great job interview you can’t help but wait to hear some positive feedback or get that phone call “you got the job!” The same anticipation happens after a great first date. You keep checking your phone to see if he called (or texted) saying he had a great time.
If you’re in the same boat as me then hopefully you’ll be a getting a phone call for BOTH very soon.
Check out more from DATING GIRL & her adventures in New York City.
Kimberlee blogs about her love of fashion and beauty at I Have A Degree In This!. She’s lived in Midtown Manhattan for 8 years and has tried it all when it comes to dating.
image: wehearit