Dear Midtown Girl,
I had a great first date last week. We had dinner, cocktails & then he walked me back to my apartment. Our date lasted about 3 hours and conversation was so good. Literally we could talk for hours. When he walked me home, he gave me a hug (A HUG?) and then told me to have a great weekend. What does this mean? I haven’t heard from him since. Should I text him? How long does it take for a guy to ask for a second date?
A guy will ask you for a second date at the end of your first date. Sometimes we try to figure out why a guy takes so long to ask for a second date or why he didn’t ask for a second date. Don’t waste your time trying to figure out what a guy is thinking (it’s almost impossible). If he hasn’t asked you out yet, chances are he probably won’t. You will probably never know why, but the most important thing to know now is that you should focus your energy on someone new.
The less time you waste on this guy, the more you have for someone who is genuinely interested in you. 😉
Dahlings, feel free to email me your Ask MG questions or leave them in the comments below. <3
image via weheartit