Allie from HotRobot,
on location in Hawaii!Describe the ‘Dating Scene’ in your city:
“Small World,” the dating scene on a small island can become pretty complicated. Everyone knows everyone in some roundabout way or another. In Hawaii, people are always trying to figure out how one person connects to another. The random guy at the bar could be your second cousin’s ex-boyfriend, your high school friend’s neighbor; or most commonly, a friend of a friend. The dating scene in Hawaii can be a tricky place to navigate.
Are you an Online Dater?
I’ve never been an online dater. I have met and befriended a few people off MySpace and Facebook, but nothing ever progressed into anything romantic. One of my good girlfriends has been dating a guy that she met on MySpace for about a year now, and a blog friend of mine just married a guy she met on MySpace a few years ago! I know there’s a lot of stigma surrounding online dating, but if you’re prudent about it, it could turn out to be an amazing experience I imagine.
Guys you Avoid like the PLAGUE:
Club promoters, frat boys, bartenders, lifeguards, surf instructors, and stereotypical surfer boys. Oh, the surfers are the tricky ones. They have great tans, nice shoulders, back muscles, laid back, and can be easy to talk to. But these guys are constantly surrounded by beautiful girls at the beach, and the wandering eye is a common problem.
Any Specific “Type” of Guy that runs rampant in your city?
Your typical Hawaii Local Boy is very much in his comfort bubble. He’s routine, stubborn, reluctant to try new things. Hawaii is also quite the military stomping ground. Local women typically find military men to be girl-crazy, loud, obnoxious, unwilling to adapt to Hawaii culture, and at the same time some military men try TOO hard to adapt to Hawaii culture.
Fave Date Spots:
My boyfriend knows that the way to my heart is sushi, so we have our favorite spots to eat sushi. But my favorite date spot is actually somewhere I took him for his birthday. We had a picnic lunch at the park near my house, I used to go there all the time with my dad when I was a kid.
Staple Go-To Date Outy:
Staple Go-To Date Outy:
Mid-week kissies,
p.s. make sure to check back every Wednesday for another episode of my “Single in My City” Series!
p.p.s. please feel free to email me if you are interested in participating in SIMC!! AND –
p.p.p.s. Please don’t forget – enter my Giveaway to win a $50 Gift Card to Daffy’s – enter HERE!!
She makes surfers sound so tantalizing 😛
Thanks MG 🙂
And Wendy B…they sure can be sometimes! 😉
Guys to avoid…surfer dudes with tans and nice back muscles! I guess that means that I am datable! hahaha!
Looks like a nice place, but I had a friend in High school who grew up in Hawaii and he was so glad that he ended up in NJ. He said that Hawaii was very small.
What a gorgeous picture of her in the sunset! I guess the intimacy/small size could get to me since I'm a city girl at heart.
Great post. Love the photos. I've always wanted to visit Hawaii. I hope this finds you doing well. I'm done with all my Christmas shopping. I'm usually an early bird when it comes to that. You?
i love that bold necklace!
As if I didn't need to go to Hawaii already!!!
Oh and I love her hair in that photo with her grey top. Makes me want to go all cut crazy…but I'm growing it so I will resist 🙂
I love the fact that Allie showed such an accepting nature towards Online Dating. I think that there can be success (I've met people who have achieved relationship success that way) as long as you are open to the experience and careful. 🙂
MG, I just have to say that I am fully obsessed with this series – it has become one of my favorite things to read each week, and I have literally gone back and read past SIMC features because I love them so much! Amazing idea! 🙂
I can see how complicated it could be on an island where everyone knows most everyone else. And there could be limited choices with too many relatives…
Wish you all the best with your guy! He must be very special to make it through the cut 😉
Great pictures. I love Hawaii.
Loved the profile…especially the comment about the surfers…hahaha!
Great post! Love her pictures. I want to go to Hawaii now too!
I would totally get suckered in by the surfers. Good thing I never lived in Hawaii. Ah ha ha
This is super interesting! xo
As much as I love our little island, I think I may trade NYC for Hawaii. At least for the winter months! Great profile, she is so adorable!
Got your message- you can also reach me at admin.39thandbroadway@gmail.com
I need to get my cold tush over to Hawaii. Those pictures are amazing and thanks for the heads up on the surfer boys, I would fall for them too. LOL!
Surfers yummm yummm!
LOL at avoiding Club Promoters! SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!
Living in Hawaii and being gorgeous?? That sounds like an amazing life. Good for her on avoiding even the cute surfer guys! That's will power from some of the girls I know 😛
I have heard that a lot of people met someone they knew, or a friend of someone they knew in Hawaii.