Dammit when hair stylists offer the best gossip. A few weeks ago I had my hair styled by a fabulush guy in a downtown salon who’s previous location was on the UES. We started a chat about the habits & routines of the UES ‘ladies who lunch’ (LWL) set and well, he had lots to dish. Read his insider view on the UES ‘Ladies Who Lunch’ (LWL) lifestyle…
- Single LWL are obsessed with finding a wealthy husband, getting married and having a house in Hamptons.
- Many LWL don’t own shampoo/conditioner bc they are in the salon that much.
- When LWL have a hair appointment, they spend at least 6+ hrs in the salon.
- Much of their salon day is spent drinking wine and comparing their apartments/houses with other LWL.
- LWL love…LOVE their cocktails.
- They own at least 3-6 Hermès bags.
- For LWL moms, their ‘tween daughters get weekly blowouts, manicures & some even have their own Hermès bags.
- The LWL with “older” husbands rarely see them bc their hubs “travels quite often” and the wives do NOT have a problem with it.
Thanks for the UES dish, fabulush stylist! Dahlings, what’s your thoughts on these LWL lifestyle tidbits?
P.S. This post is purely for your entertainment. Feel free to not take any of the above comments seriously.
image: weheartit
I’m wondering the same 😉