If you dahlings knew just how much I love dry shampoo…it is my #1 fav hair product. I use dry shampoo in between washings to give my hair volume and to hold ont0 the natural slight waves I love to wear daily. Backstage at Katie Gallagher’s F/W 2012 show, celebrity hair stylist Cesar Ramirez created fabulush hair looks with Batiste Dry Shampoo, UK’s go-to dry shampoo brand.
MG asked Pamela Wardle from Batiste some hair q’s about our fav product, dry shampoo:
How has dry shampoo use changed in the last few years?
Dry shampoo has grown about 200% as a category. The shampoo category is about $3 billion and dry shampoo makes up 1% of that. Most of the growth is due to women wanting to cut their styling time and be able to get up and go in the morning. With colored hair, you want to protect the color and the natural oils in the scalp. Also, if you wear hair extensions, you don’t want to wash your hair as often.
How often do you recommend using dry shampoo between washes?
It’s really subjective. It depends on how active you are and your lifestyle.
Batiste is the #1 selling dry shampoo in the UK, what is the history behind the brand?
Batiste came out in the 1970’s. At the time there was just one fragrance. Church & Dwight purchased the Batiste brand last summer. We are only focused on dry shampoo & have a wide range of fragrances with 9 different scents which also comes in a trial size, excellent for traveling. Batistse can be purchased in Duane Reade, Ricky’s, and various supermarkets.
Dahlings, are you as big of a fan of dry shampoo as I am?
Fabulush hair kissies,