MG & Jeannie Mai
The gorgeous Jeannie Mai, host of Style Network’s hit show “How Do I Look?”, hosted a lovely blogger breakfast at the R Lounge in Midtown’s Renaissance Hotel. She sat with us and discussed the self-love that is personal style. Not only was she super adorable, she gave us tips on what personal style is really all about – being fearless!
Jeannie spoke about her “Wear-apy” philosophy, which involves empowering yourself first before you can empower others, since fashion is a result of how women feel. The idea of self-empowerment is emphasized in her style series, “How Do I Look?”, as she explains that women viewers start to connect with why women dress a certain way and how they can learn to dress for their body type by appreciating the way they look. And when it comes to building a personal style wardrobe to always look your best, Jeannie knows her stuff. She gave us her 5 wardrobe essentials:
- Leather pencil skirt
- Wedges
- Pair of 6 inch stilettos
- Florescent blouse
- Makeup in bright shades for your eyes & lips (for those days when you feel like dressing down but still want to look fab).
What was most inspiring during the breakfast chat, was when Jeannie spoke about her brand. She had three words that described it: Em Gái (means “dear sister” in Vietnamese), Bright (in light, as in your presence) & Thankful – in life expect nothing and appreciate everything.
Yes, we totes should appreciate everything 😉
Thank you for the wonderful bloggy breakfast Jeannie! And we sooo appreciate you! <3
Thank you darling! It was such a lovely breakfast 😉
Loved learning of your wonderful blog 🙂