
Ever wonder WTF guys/chicks really mean when they whisper those oh so lovely suggestions/thoughts in your ear after a wonderful (or so you thought) evening…hmmmmm? Let’s breakdown a few…NOW!

Spending time with the one you don’t love?

HE: “I’m going to miss you.”
SHE: “Awww.”

Translation: I would miss you too..if I really wanted to be with you. You’re just not “the One”.

Care to cut through the bull?

SHE: “It’s great to finally meet you.”
HE : (later in convo) “So, what are you looking for in a relationship.”

Translation: I want to hit that.

Feeling neglected by your significant other lately?

SHE: “Why do you have to spend so much time with your friends?”
HE: “Because I like spending time with my boys. What’s wrong with that?”

Translation: You ain’t that important to me.

Oh no he didn’t he just cancel our date.

SHE: Hey are we still on for tonight? I thought we had plans.

HE: So sorry! Something came up, can we please reschedule? I really want to see you…

Translation: I have another date and I might like her more so stick around until I find out.

Taking a chance – ending an online dating subscription.

HE: So, I just cancelled my subscription to “”.

SHE: Oh…you did? Wow.

Translation: You are that special.

More Dating Dictionary to come dahlings. Tomorrow I have a fabulush MG Style post & giving away one pair of gorg fall/winter boots. PLEASE check back my lovelies!!! <3


P.S. THANK u to everyone who has entered my $100 Shopbop gift card giveaway HERE. Don’t forget my beautiful dolls – I added 3 EXTRA chances for you to win, so pretty please enter!!! XOXO