Midtown Girl by Amy Chandra - Browhaus Salon NYC

This past weekend I made a trip to the Browhaus Salon on 56 Spring Street. I’ve been getting  my brows threaded since I was 16 yrs old, so I only need to get my brows shaped every few months (they don’t grow back as fast). With #MGwedding only few days away, a brow visit was totes necessary!


A super clean and efficient space, Browhaus specializes in brow shaping and “browgraphy”, a color tweaking & shaping combo. I needed a shaping and was attended to by Jady. Jady, a brow pro, expertly threaded my eyebrows with a careful hand. I barely felt anything (which is rare, trust me). After threading, she cleaned up any over grown areas with tweezers, and I couldn’t believe how gentle she was, thank you Jady!

If it’s time to get your brows cleaned up (espesh for gorgeous bridal brows on your wedding day) head over to Browhaus in NYC.

Dahlings, check out these MG columns:
