This Mother’s Day is a bittersweet one for my family. On April 24th, 2018, my mom passed away.
She was a brilliant, public-spirited individual who shared her love & light to all those who had the chance to meet her. So many in the community came out to say how much they respected & loved her. She will always be the backbone of the woman I am, today and forever.
This summer will be Midtown Girl’s 10 year anniversary and as someone who has been sharing life updates publicly throughout this time, I wanted to share the path my mom took. Through a brief version of the eulogy we said at my mom’s funeral on April 29th, this was part of her journey that would eventually lead me to where I am today.
“Mom grew up on a country farm in Kerala, South India. She wanted to branch out of her hometown for her career, so she chose to attend nursing school in Zambia, South Africa.

Mom, it is because of you that I have the courage & confidence to accomplish anything I seek to and to live life full of rich experiences. I love you and know you are watching over us.
“Grieve not….nor speak of me with tears….but laugh and talk of me…as though I was beside you. I loved you so…’twas Heaven here with you.”