So this evening, as I was checking out some matches that had emailed me, I thought I would give you dahlings a brief glimpse at a couple of interesting responses to the following profile question:
“Is there any additional info you would like your matches to know?“
“I’m worth the chance, and worth the time. I’m the good/nice/balanced guy you say you are looking for. Your family will like me. Your friends will like me. I guarantee it. That’s not cocky, it’s based on past experience.”
(If you have to say it, ur prob not!)
(If you have to say it, ur prob not!)
Have a wonderful Friday lovelies!!
I own 20 tank tops! LMAO! He should have said,” I own 20 pair of underwear and there is not one skidmark” HAHA!!
‘I own at least 20 tank tops’ -hilarious.Thanks for sharing these funny online dating profiles with us.I am still laughing. Have a great weekend.
omg that second one is too funny
Hahahahaha! Love it!
I got a tag thing on my blog, it is easy! Sorry! LOL!
Interesting post. Online dating has sure influenced our lives in interesting ways.