Guys: my time is way too valuable to waste on those who are not seriously serious, in making contact.
As soon as I sent him an email, he responded back immediately, so this led to us emailing back & forth throughout the same eve. It was fun & different, since most of the time the e-communication is long & drawn out over a period of days/weeks/who knows.
In the last email I sent, I suggested we speak over the phone, since it would be easier to chat that way. He totally agreed and sent me his number. I responded saying I would give him a ring the next day. Fine.
Next day comes and I’m finally back in my apt in the eve and decide to give LRM a call. I call, it rings twice and goes straight into voice-mail. Uhm, okaaay. I leave a vm, and move on with my day. 10 mins later I get a text from LRM saying:
‘Hey, I’m at my niece’s bday party, can I call you tomorrow?’
I respond:
‘Sure, have a good time. Speak to you then.’
Uhm, a niece’s bday party at 9pm on a Thursday? Whatevz!
The tomorrow comes and guess what? No call! Ok, no worries for me, I have scratched LRM off my mind, bc, honestly, I have NO time for bull.
Then, last night – mind you its now 3 weeks since we first emailed – LRM texts me:
‘Sorry for the lack of response, my friend’s sister passed away, so things have been hectic.”
I do not respond. And I’ll tell you why. First of all, I am an understanding person, so when something terrible/dramatic/crazy thing happens, I can be sympathetic to the circumstance. However, 3 weeks have passed, and you couldn’t pick up my initial call bc of your ‘niece’s bday party’ (would your ‘niece’ have been sooo mad that you picked up for a second, pahlease), and now your telling me someone died???
See – if you give the reason “someone passed away”, then the respondee is forced to not be irritated at the defunct communication – I’m soooo not stupid LRM!
Then, LRM calls me today and leaves me some random vm about calling him, which of course I will not. He was way too good to be true, and I had somewhat sensed it after he had tried to initiate communication more than twice online (then not even follow through!!).
Why?? Probably (definitely) bc he has a girlfriend(s) or courting too many chickies at once.
Shady & no thank you LRM. Ugh.
You go girl!! He does sound shady. Stay away!
Yea right! My shady radar went off early in…never doubt your instincts darlin’ ;-]
Men are like that TV show “Fear Factor”, you have to go through a bunch of shit before you can win a prize! LOL
Otin- LOL – good to hear it from a guy’s perspective!
Uhhhh, niece’s birthday party at 9pm on a Thursday night? DOUBT IT!