9. Lying about weight – what makes you think the guy won’t notice when they meet you? Voluptuous, thick, curvy, whatever you are – please be real!
8. Setting up more than one online date in an eve – that looks super skanky, especially if you get caught doing it…
7. Will only go out for dinner not just for a drink – screams user/gold-digger – where’s your decorum, seriously…ugh!
6. Lying about single status – you have a bf but just want to “hook up” ..uhm that’s called a HO! Now you made them think it’s just that easy to get some – puhlease hoochie – stick with craigslist then!
5. Puts up a fake pic – so, so very sad…
4. Requires all guys to be over 6’0 tall – either you are under 5’0 or you need to get a book on self esteem, please 😉
3. Saying anything sexual in her profile – supa, dupa ho. That’s just plain gross.
2. Requires a certain income level – ah, even if you do, are really insane enough to put that down – dayam!