Soo, I came back from Vegas (that post should be up soon) to a plethora of work. Then I get a call a few days later from my bro saying “don’t get worried”, which of course made me
worried. He said that he called 911 and my mom was taken to the ER.
Apparently my mom never showed up to work that day (which never happens) and called my step dad but her response was just a bunch of blurry words. He in turn called my bro which lead to the 911 call. Of course after hearing this I completely broke down.
You guys remember that post “
mom-attack” right, when I basically booted my mom out of my apt. bc she was spewing criticisms of me while I was sick and then haven’t spoken to her since bc I was stubborn and upset…well you can only imagine how I was feeling at the possibility of not having the chance of working things out with my mom, I was totally
So I dropped everything and headed out to SI to see my mom, I literally don’t know how I was able to even get there, since I morphed into a zombie with puffy, red eyes and with the inability to think rationally. When I got there, my bro said that the neurologist took some tests and said there was bleeding in the left side of her brain (where speech and thoughts are formed) which caused a stroke and to not be alarmed bc she might not know who I am (what?) and to just relax (yea, okaaay). I went in with him to see her and she did not look so good. She spoke very little and what she was saying was incomprehensible but she did give me a smile which meant she recognized me. My step dad arrived in the ER a few moments later and then we all followed her transfer up to the ICU.
This night was a long one and the roller coaster does not end here, but right now I am glad she is in stable condition. After going through this traumatic experience, I will say, you never know what circumstances can arise in the future, so it’s better to forgive your mom when she acts insensitive sometimes.
Because if I were not able to see her again, I just don’t know how I could have lived with myself ;-(
I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope she gets better asap. I know exactly how you feel. Even just the thought of anything happening to my mom makes me freak out, esp after a disagreement. Hang in there. I wish you and your fam well. xoxo
Thank you so much for the kind words, they are much needed girlie!